November 08 - January 09
This Just In! Red Horse Cafe has partnered up on the mug challenge. Stop in and see them on 6th Ave in BK for a coffee with your mug and get discounted to the next size down! Starting this week, you can sign up for there for the Bring Your Own Mug Challenge. Thanks Red Horse! Also catch us this Thursday at the Snowflake Celebration, encouraging folks to buy local in Park Slope.
For those of you who are with us - Thank You! For those of you who are not yet...
Sign Up: email and write "I Bring My Own!" Include your first and last name and zip. Please pass on to friends and make the impact stronger.
THE FACTSToday, there is no way to compost or recycle the billions of disposable coffee cups used in the U.S. each year. That's because cups are lined with a petroleum-based plastic (polyethylene) to prevent leaking.
Most disposable coffee cups have a life of only 5 minutes before they are tossed in the trash. In a single week, the average coffee joint goes through 4,000 cups and plastic lids!
Every year, Americans drink more than 100 billion cups of coffee. Of those, 14.4 billion are served in disposable paper cups— enough to wrap the earth 55 times if placed end-to-end!
TOOLSSign up for the challenge and use a travel mug. Often made of stainless steel, these beauties will keep your coffee or tea hotter longer than a disposable cup.
Suggest that stores offer a discount when you bring your own. Patron stores that already offer this. If you buy coffee five days a week, and use your travel mug, you save 260 cups per year!
Thank You Lion in the Sun, EPA's WaterSense, Recycline, Camilla Boutique, Blue Marble Ice Cream, Postmark Cafe, Ozzie's, Red Horse Cafe, 3rLiving, Environmental Defense Fund, and VivaTerra!