Friday, August 15, 2008

An interview with Ike Rodriguez- Owner of Samples for (eco)mpassion
How did you come up with the concept for your store?

Ike: The (eco)mpassion concept is a rebirth of my last business Find Outlet, a chain of designer outlet stores. I wanted to have a socially conscious business. Ive tried everything to change my last business, the point of giving it all up, only to come back to it in this new way.

Are you a die-hard environmentalist yourself? If so, what are some of the things you practice?
Ike: Yes im pretty die hard. I live on a sailboat and and RV so I know how to live on very little. My energy comes from 12volt batteries and I use 150 gallons of water a month, most people use 150 gallons a day for there everyday needs. Living this way opened me up to a consciuosness of abundance, It takes very little to live whole.

Who is your audience - those that come in for the deals or those who sought you out for your environmentally responsible approach?
Ike: Good question. My audience??? Some people just come in for the deal and are not even aware of what im doing. Others, like yourself express your acknowledgment and support which keeps me going. But if I can help one person wake up every now and again, thats good enough.

What do you do with your overstock?
Ike: I dont have much overstock so I dont have an issue.

Will you join the Brooklyn Green Team Five-Minute Shower Challenge?
Ike: Of course I will join the 5 Minute shower. Im already there

Thanks Ike!

Check out the shop on Great Jones and Ike's spot on Fox News!