Dear all-
It is with some sadness, but also optimism, that we write, fellow superheroes, to let you know about a big decision. Us 5 superheroes have decided that we aren’t able to devote the necessary resources, nay, superpowers to keep the Brooklyn Green Team at a level of activity and progress we can be proud of. We've accomplished so much over the years with your help but as of late for various personal reasons and professional obligations have slipped in our level of activity. (Please don't think it means we don't care about the environment: we work with our students, we spend more time volunteering outside, we contribute time and resources to community gardens etc.)
Brooklyn Green Team is such a great project – and provides such useful information for Brooklynites – that we want to keep it alive. We’re looking for new superheroes to take the reins. Would you or someone you know be interested in spearheading Brooklyn Green Team (at least our blog) and taking it to greater, new heights?
If so, please send an email and let's get a conversation started.