Thursday, June 4, 2009

World Environment Day - hosted by Mexico

Aside from being the birthday of a Brooklyn Green Team member, June 5 also has significance because it is World Environment Day! Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change!

Here's how they suggest taking action tomorrow (or this weekend) to support the effort:

Plant a tree! Help achieve UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign target of planting seven billion trees – one for every person on the planet – by the end of this year! Three billion are planted. Five billion are pledged. On every continent in the world trees can be planted in June, so start your efforts on WED.

Find needy homes or charitable organizations for things that you no longer need or want rather than throwing it away.

The day was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

The day's agenda is to:
Give a human face to environmental issues;
Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development;
Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues;
Advocate partnership which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.

This year’s host is Mexico which reflects the growing role of the Latin American country in the fight against climate change, including its growing participation in the carbon markets.
Mexico is also a leading partner in UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign. The country, with the support of its President and people, has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign.

Learn More.

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