Friday, May 15, 2009

Toy Story

Here’s another entry from Cindy del Rosario Tapan, a guest blogger from Green Apple Kids

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to spend money on toys? Whether it’s our relatives, friends, or our own children – it seems like there’s no greater pleasure than bestowing a knick-knack on a little one. And while it’s great to see that our generosity knows no limits, we need to remember that there is an environmental consequence to all of our actions. Do you ever wonder what happens to all the barbie dolls and bicycles that are no longer wanted? Most of them end up in landfills, and if they happen to be made of plastic (which many toys are), they often can’t be recycled. All this waste means that we are leaving our kids with a big mess to clean up.  

Here are a few tips to help curb those crazy consumption habits:  

Host a toy swap party, where you and other friends each bring a used toy in good condition. You get rid of an old toy, each child gets a new one and you have taught them an invaluable lesson, also known as “reduce-reuse-recycle.”

Enact a budget for toys, and stick to it. Like that ubiquitous cup of coffee, it’s often the little things (like that cheap action figure you picked up on your way home) that add up. 

Consider wood toys. Though wood is generally more expensive than plastic, it is made from a renewable resource, can be recycled and lasts longer. Check out these fun brands: Plan Toys, Melissa and Doug, and and Automoblox

Check out the Green Apple Kids workshops for other ways to teach your kids how to be greener.  

So shop smart for the planet. The kids will thank you later.  


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