Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Speaking of No Take-Out

Styrofoam Ban Grows in California

PlasticNews reports that Palo Alto, Calif. will officially ban take out containers starting April 22, 2010. The move is a growing trend as 22 other coastal California towns are prohibiting the use of polystyrene takeout containers. San Francisco was the first major city to enact the ban in 2007.

The ban extends to containers, clam shells, bowls, plates, cartons and cups. However, it does not affect straws, utensils or hot up lids. In January, Palo Alto stopped accepting polystyrene packing peanuts and polystyrene blocks used in consumer goods packaging.

But while the ban will reduce Palo Alto’s waste, that’s not the initial intention of the prohibition. The current economic recession carried a lot of weight for lawmakers proposing the ban...

Learn More at Earth911.

1 comment:

  1. Yes but what you are not mentioning is that the ban in San Francisco has done NOTHING to address the real problem - LITTER. The litterbugs are now indiscriminately throwing away paper items (or what ever the replacement). And, before you start quoting biodegradability, the paper (or other materials) will stay in the waterways and on the streets, devaluing the communities all the same. It's about time to address the problem at the source, the litterbugs. Start influencing the behavior instead of making decisions that are bad for everyone in the long run.
