Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NYC Seed Giveaway

In an effort to encourage New Yorkers to be more economically and agriculturally minded, New York Restoration Project along with writer Amy Goldman will host the Vegetable Starts Seed Giveaway in community gardens around New York City.

Saturday, May 30
1 – 4pm
Brooklyn Target Community Garden (931-933 Bedford Ave, BK)
The Seed Savers Exchange will distribute over 2000 heirloom seeds to registered community gardeners and local residents, to make gardening more accessible to New York communities.

Experts will be on site to answer any questions and provide gardening tips and tricks. The selection of vegetable seeds that will be available was determined through suggestions submitted by the community. From tomatoes and corn to parsley and oregano, all of the seeds being given away are organic, untreated and have not been genetically engineered, exceeding industry standards and bringing high quality produce into the homes of New York residents for free. Amy Goldman, writer, passionate gardener and advocate of heirloom fruits and vegetables, has generously provided a majority of the seeds for the event.

Encouraging home-grown vegetables not only takes the sting out of higher food prices, but it brings horticultural novices and veterans together to the small sunny plots in their local community gardens. The New York Restoration Project is dedicated to restoring and maintaining community green spaces and the Vegetable Starts Seed Giveaway demonstrates their continued commitment to educating the local community on sustainable lifestyles.

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