Friday, May 1, 2009

Have Some Cloth Scraps? Be Part of an Art Project

303GRAND is working with artist Amanda Browder, "mad scientist of scavenger art assemblage, uses hundreds of fabrics to stitch together a surreal and disorientating world in which anything seems possible," on a dream of creating a blanket that is big enough to cover an entire building in Greenpoint. It has the working title of “House Blanket.”  She has been known to do such things before, like create a 4 story high pencil that she guerilla style leaned up against bridges, buildings, etc.

 “After living in Greenpoint for 2 years, and feeling sick with how many apartments have that god-awful aluminum siding on them. The project will be a warm wake-up to the monochromatic droll of beige siding...ugh!” says Amanda.

Over the next two weeks, we are teaming up with clothing recycling company, Wearable Collections to do a clothing drive for the “House Blanket” project Amanda is working on. So this is a call for action. We need anyone and everyone to swing by 303GRAND in the next two weeks to donate any left over clothing, blankets, funky fabric scraps etc toward the project! The show will end on May 5th and that’s when the sewing for House Blanket begins for Amanda!

May 1
303 GRAND 
drinks and discussion with the artist herself


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