Saturday, May 16, 2009

Demonstrate Your Commitment to Less Plastic Tomorrow

On Sunday May 17, 2009 the NYC Bag Protest with special guests, No Impact Man and Reverend Billy!

Join the 
Back to the Sack bag campaign for a day of action to help reduce plastic bag usage in New York! The day will combine crafts, street theater, advocacy and petitioning with the Interdependence Project's principles of mindfulness and compassion.  Even if you haven't been involved with our project before, this is a great day to get started. Oh, and the bag monster will be there!

Bag making team in the morning and be trained to create reusable bags to be given out in the afternoon.  We've made over 50 already, help us hit 100.  No sewing/crafts experience necessary!  From 10am - 2pm @Lila Yoga Center 

Help push legislation!
 - Join the petitioning team and we'll train you to help us collect signatures in support of legislation that IDP members have helped shape to reduce plastic bags in New York. Gathering at 1 pm at Tompkins Square Park.

Help show support! - Join the protest going from Tompkins Square to Washington Square and ending up in Union Square to show your support for responsible consumption and a greener New York.  
Gathering at 1 pm at Tompkins Square Park.

Hear inspirational people! Not only will the bag monster be performing at all of our stops, but we'll be joined by Reverend Billy of the Church of Life After Shopping and No Impact Man.  Not to be missed!  

If you can't make it, we at Brooklyn Green Team suggest a plastic-free day! 

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