Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sierra Launches Green Home

Sierra Club Green Home (SCGH) today launches its new Web site,, designed to educate Americans on how to make their homes more energy efficient, environmentally sustainable and healthy.  Created with Sierra Club—America’s oldest, largest, and best-known environmental organization—SCGH aims to help aspirationally green citizens become more environmentally-conscious. 

 Dynamic attributes of SCGH provide actionable and easy-to-understand insights into practices that can be simply incorporated into our daily lives including:

 CO2 Center: education hub on the basics of global warming and the best ways to lower energy bills plus SCGH’s own Home Carbon Calculator to help people determine their homes’ carbon footprints and seek out ways to lower their emissions.

Green Your Home Video Library: step-by-step videocasts on how to purchase energy efficient appliances, utilize green decorating materials and learn about sustainable remodeling and building features.

Home Health Center: portal for educational facts from indoor air quality and acceptable exposure levels to chemicals and toxins plus SCGH’s customized Home Health Quiz allowing people to ascertain the current state of the health of their homes.

Solar Center: facts consumers need to know about how to go solar at home and a database of federal and state tax incentives and rebates listed by zip code that are available to taxpayers. SCGH’s Net Solar Costs Calculator permitting people to determine the exact costs and benefits of adding solar technology to their homes.

 “We created Sierra Club Green Home to help Americans bridge the gap between wanting to do what’s best for the environment and not knowing where to start,” said Schwab,  who is also a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) accredited practitioner.  “This site mirrors my own personal search to make more eco-friendly choices for myself and my family.  We’re incredibly excited about this launch and have worked very hard to give green a friendlier and more accessible voice.  We hope that Sierra Club Green Home encourages people everywhere to embrace this lifestyle in whatever capacity they see fit.”

Check out the site and green the heck-fire out of your home/apartment. 

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