Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More Volunteerism We Like!

On behalf of Audubon and TogetherGreen cities across the country that will host TogetherGreen Volunteer Days in celebration for Earth Day 2009!

The TogetherGreen Volunteer Days aim to launch a continuing cycle of positive environmental impact and can help make a big difference in your community. Activities include habitat and trail restoration, river and lake clean-ups, invasive species removal, nest-box building, wildlife and plant surveys, and more! 

Here's the scoop on an upcoming NYC volunteer event:
New York City Audubon Society
5/2/2009, 10 am - 3 pm
With the NYC Park’s Natural Resources Group, we will be planting trees and shrubs at Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx. Meet at Van Cortlandt Riding Stables parking lot, on the western edge of the park off of Broadway and 254th Street. Those who come to volunteer will be provided lunch, work gear, and a special token of our appreciation! Please wear clothing and shoes appropriate for working outdoors.

Learn More.

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