Tuesday, March 10, 2009

It Does a Body Good

Heard of Food and Water Watch? They're a nonprofit organization that works with grassroots organizations worldwide to ensure clean water and safe food through research, education, media, and lobbying. Food and Water Watch believes that the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources needs to be challenged and they advocate policies that ensure the sustainable and humane production of food and public control of water resources.

Food and Water watch is having a call-in day to Congress to ask our representatives to support artificial hormone-free milk in schools. So far, they've collected over 10,000 petition signatures and over 100 groups are supporting the campaign. And now you can help too, because March 11, 2009 is the first national "Know Your Milk" Day.

You can sign the petition by visiting the Food and Water Watch website. While you're there, take some time to look around. They are a wealth of information on everything from food labels to which fish are the safest to eat and easiest on the environment.

You can help make "Know Your Milk" Day a success by calling your congressman/woman and asking your representative to support rbgh free milk in schools. You can host an event by inviting ten friends over for cookies, rbgh-free milk, and congress calling!

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