Monday, February 23, 2009

ZeroWater Review

Two Brooklyn Green Team members put the ZeroWater filter to the test. Here is what we think...

The water tastes great. We conducted a taste-test.
Using TDS meter makes you feel like a scientist.
They recycle the filters (you have to throw it in the mail and send it to the company).
It does take a long time for the water to filter through, however that's because its doing its job to remove all the detected dissolved solids (you know how pesky those are)
AND it even has a spout so you don't have to take it out of the fridge (although then you're keeping the door open too long)

The best review though is a father to a green team member who remarked "that thing has lines like an ocean liner." when referring to its streamline shape.

Read what the National Geographic Green Guide said.

The final analysis: We liked it.

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