Tuesday, February 3, 2009

City Council Turns off The Engine

Excerpt from a letter written by Christine Quinn, Speark of the NYC Council:

"New York City has one of the highest asthma rates among children in the country. This past week, the Council took two major steps to improve air quality and reduce the harmful health effects of engine idling, particularly around city schools. First, we passed legislation that, among other things, cuts the amount of time vehicles can idle in front of public and private school facilities from three minutes to one minute. We also passed legislation authorizing the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Sanitation to enforce idling restrictions citywide (in addition to those agencies currently authorized to enforce them). By tightening idling restrictions and boosting enforcement, we can better protect our kids' health, clean up our air and help make our neighborhoods healthier places to live. Thank you for allowing us to share this important news with you. If you would like to receive additional news and updates about the Council's work on important issues, including the environment, please visit us online at www.council.nyc.gov. Just click on the "Sign Up for E-mail Updates" link at the top of our webpage and select the issues that most interest you and your community."

Applause all around!

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