Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We Interrupt This Message for An Important Announcment on Plastic Bags

From Christine C. Quinn - Speaker of the NYC Council ...

In spite of months of effort on the part of the New York City Council and environmental advocates, the "Plastic Bag Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Act" - State legislation that undermines and preempts the City Council's stronger plastic bag recycling legislation - has made its way unchanged to Governor Paterson's desk. The Governor now has until December 12th to act on this bill. The City Council is continuing to urge Governor Paterson to secure a chapter amendment removing New York City from the bill's weaker requirements before signing this legislation into law. Your help could make the critical difference in achieving this goal.

Please join us by signing a letter to Governor Paterson

And if you know of anyone else who's concerned about the fate of the City's plastic bag recycling program, please pass this information along and encourage them to sign the letter to Governor Paterson as well. Thank you in advance for helping us to create a greener future for our City. I'll keep you updated on our efforts moving forward.

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