Monday, December 8, 2008

This Lawn is Your Lawn!

Check out "Eat the View!" This campaign was started to urge President-elect Barack Obama to replant an organic garden on the First Lawn. The produce would be used in the White House kitchen and go to local food banks.

"Eat the View" is coordinated by the nonprofit Kitchen Gardeners International. Based in Maine, this network of 10,000 gardeners from 100 countries are inspiring and teaching people to grow some of their own food.

On the Eat the View website, you can:

-watch videos about the project
-sign a petition that will be sent to Barack Obama
-learn more about how to contact your local and state officials to "edible-ize" a landscape near you.
-learn how you can (symbolically) buy a parcel of the White House lawn. Proceeds go to organizations world wide that help people learn how to grow their own food.

Yes we can set an example to the people of our own country and those around the world.

Learn more

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