Monday, December 22, 2008

Local Green Heroes

TogetherGreen Fellowships recently awarded to forty of the nation’s most promising conservationists include a brooklynite. Jillian Rubio, who has been involved in conservation efforts for over a decade, is one of only 40 people selected from competitors nationwide for the TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Program, part of a new conservation initiative of the National Audubon Society with support from Toyota. Fellows receive specialized training in conservation planning and execution, the chance to work and share best practices with gifted conservation professionals, and assistance with project outreach and evaluation AND $10,000 towards a community-focused project to engage local residents in conserving land, water and energy.

Jillian will partner with Stoked Mentoring, an action sports mentoring program in NYC, and together they will create a unique opportunity for Brooklyn youth to get paired with a mentor and take part in both a series of onsite environmentally-focused workshops and activities at Prospect Park and in offsite activities including snowboarding, skateboarding, and surfing. By engaging urban youth in this unique way, they will have an opportunity to be outdoors and experience nature, on their terms. Congratulations Jillian.

Learn More.

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