Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Green Video Contest, the online community for sustainable living, today issued a global call for personal green solutions. The Just Do One organization is collecting the best ideas for more sustainable living, summarized in three-minute YouTube-style videos, and sharing them free with the interested community worldwide. The best video entry, as judged by the community and an expert panel, wins a $5,000 cash prize.

“Three years ago when Living Green: A Practical Guide was first published, the sustainability movement was just gaining momentum,” said Greg Horn, best-selling author and founder/sponsor of “There was a lot of new awareness and concern, but almost no one was talking about solutions. Now people realize that the stakes are enormous, and they want to do something positive. Nobody’s perfect, but we have to get past the angst and anger over the scope of the problem, and get started with solutions on the scale of individual action.” For anyone wondering: “What can I do?” has a wealth of easily actionable ideas, from the people who know best – the sustainable living community. “One person’s actions can make a difference,” said Douglas Horn, independent film-maker and collaborator on the project, “and one person’s idea for greener living, told in a compelling video, might inspire hundreds or even thousands of others. We quickly realized that the only way to get the very best thinking and make a real difference quickly was to open up the doors to the entire community.”

Video entries up to three minutes in length are being accepted from January 1 to March 1, 2009. Winners will be announced April 1, 2009 in time for media coverage leading up to Earth Day. If you ever wanted to save the world, here’s your chance.

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