Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Incentives for Green Taxi Fleet

Just in case you wondered what was happening since the big splash of green cabs and then a plateau...Mayor Bloomberg announced a series of initiatives to increase the use of fuel efficient and eco-friendly taxicabs through new financial incentives and legislative initiatives.  "Our goal from the beginning was to get fuel efficient taxis on the road using whatever appropriate methods required to achieve our goal," said TLC Comissioner Daus. "The new program will incentivize the purchase of cleaner vehicles, while ensuring taxi drivers are not penalized because a cab owner is reluctant to make the wiser purchase of a hybrid vehicle."

Congressman Nadler will sponsor legislation supported by the City that will amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to, at the very least, allow local governments to set fuel efficiency standards for the for-hire vehicles they license. 

Council Member Yassky will explore City Council legislation that will examine reducing the required retirement age for Crown Victoria taxicabs and increasing the required retirement age for fuel efficient cars to further incentivize the use of such cars. 

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