Monday, October 20, 2008

For Those of Us Who Drop Our Compost

Here's what Lower East Side Ecology Center has to ask us drop-bys...

As a result of your committed compost schlep, we've seen our organic waste collection nearly DOUBLE in the past year. Each week two truck loads of your food scraps are composted in our in-vessel composting system, beneath the Williamsburg Bridge in East River Park. This adds up to 5,280 pounds a week and 130 tons a year! That's one pile of compost and we need your co-operation.

When you drop off your food scraps that is just the beginning of their journey to become compost. Your coffee grounds and beet greens are wheeled away from market, to be handled another 5 times: unloaded from truck into in-vessel compost system, shoveled out of compost bins into worm beds, screened twice and then packaged into bags before returning to Union Square as finished compost.

To make the journey of kitchen-scraps to finished compost a little less labor intensive, we're asking you to empty your plastic bags or containers of food waste at our stand directly into our big grey barrels.  Alternatively, if that idea is not appealing to you, we would like to introduce you to the fully compostable Biobag (made from corn), which can be tossed directly into our big grey bins. We will have Biobags (5 bags for $1) available at our stand, starting October 27th, or they can be purchased at Whole Foods Market.

Thank you LESEC for taking all of our compost!

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