Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tips to Take-Out

We all love the comforts of grabbing some good Indian or Chinese food home and chowing down in our pajamas. The downside of take-out is how to take-it-out of the store. There is soo much packaging that goes along with food to-go. Here are some tips to reduce the environmental burden of your dinner:

Bring your own bag

If it's a smoothie or a coffee - maybe not opt for a top and/or straw if you are drinking it there, better is to bring your own mug

Ask to leave out napkins, disposable chopsticks, sauce packets if you have a million in your drawer anyway, and menus

Ask about packaging - even if they have nothing better than styrofoam (we hate even writing the word), at least put the bug in the store owner's mind that maybe they should explore less harmful options

Recycle and/or reuse your packaging. Don't crumple the aluminum foil with the wax paper and toss - recycle the foil, reuse the plastic tub at least once before tossing

When you must take it to-go, try ordering food that doesn't require lots of sauces and dips, and individualized containers and go for a sandwich or wrap which uses less packaging

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm really identify with this because I like so much the exotic and not common food I like to taste different things.
