Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Pilgrims Didn't Use Plastic Bags

Next month, Plymouth's Town Meeting representatives will have the opportunity to make Plymouth the first community on the East Coast and the third in the nation to ban the use of lightweight, petroleum-based, plastic bags in the town's larger grocery stores and drugstores.
"Plymouth is the first 'Hometown' in America, and we'd like to make it one of the first 'green' towns," said James Sweeney, chairman of the environmental group, Sustainable Plymouth. The organization submitted the measure as a citizens petition.

Sweeney said residents are reacting with enthusiasm to the initiative. "Our membership has increased by 50 percent since we announced this," Sweeney said.

Sweeney has approached store managers in Plymouth and made some calls to corporate headquarters. The town hosts Stop & Shop, Shaw's, and Wal-Mart grocery stores, and Walgreens, Rite Aid, and CVS drugstores. Sweeney said the store managers generally have been receptive to the ban. It's been harder to get a commitment at the corporate level.


We Hope They Succeed. Speaking of NOT using plastic bags - join the Brooklyn Green Team's No Plastic Bag Challenge by emailing and writing no plastic bags!

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