Thursday, May 1, 2008

Breaking the Bottle Habit in Brooklyn

Talk about power in numbers. Tuesday night, Brooklyn’s Park Slope Food Co-op, the largest food co-op in the country with over 12,000 members, passed a resolution to discontinue the sale of bottled water. That's 12,000 people who will be discouraged from using plastic water bottles.

Despite NestlĂ©’s attempts to dissuade members against a favorable vote, over 150-200 members showed up at the meeting (unprecedented attendance) and only 1 or 2 voted against the measure. The initiative was put forward by a few members of the co-op who have been working the past few months to educate other members about the importance of the resolution. It is a great inspiration for other activists around the country to initiate a conversation with their local co-ops and restaurants about discontinuing the sale of bottled water.

Source: Corporate Accountability International

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