Monday, April 14, 2008

Keep It in the Neighborhood (or at least 100 miles)

Brooklyn Green Team's latest eblast was the Local Food Issue, we hope you got it, and if not, email us at to sign up. Anyway, here are some tips from Wired Magazine on how to successfully eat local:

Start small. Shopping locally goes against the grain (pun intended) of our globalized economy, so it's not the easiest thing to do. Even if you live in a region that's rich in vegetables and meats, chances are you won't have easy access to staples like sugar, salt, oil, and flour. Just focus on what you can get, and keep an eye out for sources and/or substitutes for what you can't.

Personalize. If you want to try the classic 100-mile diet, you can find your personal 100-mile radius at

Get a supplier. You can find farms, greenmarkets, and locally oriented stores in your area using web tools offered at and If you live in a city, investigate CSA -- Community-Supported Agriculture. Citydwellers pay a fee to subscribe to a farm, and get a share of its output delivered in weekly boxes of joy. Just Food offers a listing for New Yorkers.

Assure authenticity of local supplier. Some so-called farmers markets allow vendors to resell wholesale produce to unsuspecting consumers. The best markets, in contrast, are producer-only markets with rules that prohibit reselling. There are resources on the Web that can help you distinguish real farmers markets from the imposters, such as Truly Local. If you are unfamiliar with a farmers market, you should ask the vendors or the market manager what rules they follow.

Find support. The web offers plenty of community and support for local eaters. Eat Local Challenge is a group blog with first-person stories, advice, and tips on every aspect of eating locally, as well as plenty of links to local groups, including one near you.

Share the burden. Throw a 100-mile potluck dinner.

Wired Magazine

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