Tuesday, April 8, 2008

BGT Highlighted in Cloud Institute's Newsletter

The Brooklyn Green Team is featured in the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education's Spring 2008 Newsletter. Here is what they had to say:

The Brooklyn Green Team is quickly becoming a force on the NYC environmental scene. Combining hip parties with green goals, this team is bringing change to the emerging Brooklyn scene. For their first challenge all six founding members vowed not to purchase any new clothes for a year. The Team recently launched a water bottle challenge in which members pledged not to purchase bottled water from February through April. To date, more than 70 people have taken the water bottle challenge. IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY EMAIL US NO MORE BOTTLES TO SIGN UP!

Check out the Spring newsletter

Thanks to our friend Rebecca Schept, Executive Assistant at the Cloud Institute, for spreading the word about what we do!

The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education is a New York-based organization that works with school systems and educators K-12 to develop and implement innovative ways to teach about and promote a sustainable future for our planet. Two of their programs have already been introduced to 130 NYC public schools, thus reaching over 30,000 students.

Source: The Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education

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