Sunday, March 9, 2008

Greening up your PC recently published a list of greening your computer from A-Z.

Just a few include:
Blackle: This black screen version of Google consumes less monitor energy than the regular white one.
The Green Data Project: This project encourages slimming down your unnecessary data for greener servers and more.
CO2Stats: Determine the carbon footprint of your site or blog based on traffic with this app.
Box: Use Box to upload client files instead of printing or sending a CD.
Skype: Use Skype to conduct virtual meetings and avoid wasteful transportation.
GreenPrint: GreenPrint offers an easy way to prevent the printing of extraneous information like banner ads, URLs, and legal disclaimers.
Spamato: Cut down on power-sucking spam with this app that will keep junk mail from hitting your inbox.
TigerTech: TigerTech uses only EnergyStar products, fluorescent lights, and donates to the CarbonFund yearly.
GreenestHost: This host was designed with eco-friendly storage in mind, offering solar power, low power servers, and more efficient management that allows the company to operate with fewer servers.
Iron Mountain: Just like GreenestHost, Iron Mountain is solar powered, making their energy usage clean and renewable.
Sustainable Hosting: Sustainable Hosting’s facility is powered in part by wind, saving approximately more than 32,000 pounds of CO2.
DreamHost: DreamHost operates on energy efficient servers, and purchases carbon emmission offsets for their servers and office waste.

For the full list, click here

1 comment:

  1. I prefer using Darkoogle another black Google and is available in over 40 countries

    Best of all its got the 'similar page' option in the result page like the normal white Google. I use that a lot.
