Saturday, March 22, 2008

Great Ideas

When it comes to going green, ideas are limitless. Take these examples from a few businesses right here in Brooklyn. If you are local, check'em out or be inspired from afar!

Movers, Not Shakers is a full-service moving company in Red Hook, Brooklyn, devoted to making the moving process more earth-friendly. Owner Mark Ehrhardt supplies his clients with recycled plastic tubs for packing-this means no more cardboard boxes that will be used once and thrown away! Ehrhardt also buys carbon offsets to make up for the small amounts of pollution caused by his bio-diesel fueled trucks.

Blue Marble Ice Cream, located in the Boerum Hill section of Brooklyn, produces their organic frozen treats in upstate New York. The store itself is contructed from natural clay walls, locally made counter tops, and wood from the set of a play. Cups and spoons are made from sugar cane and corn. The owners are also conscious of where they get their ingredients from, for instance chocolate from a collectively-owned cocoa plantation in Ghana.

The Little Cupcake Bakeshop in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn uses porcelain cups instead of plastic, energy-efficient appliances, and wind energy to run the store. They also make donations to cancer research, the Fresh Air Fund, and Al Gore's Climate Project.

source: Brooklyn!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Movers Not Shakers for getting carbon offsets! Let us know if you need any help with that.
    - Russell
