Saturday, March 15, 2008

Electronic Recycling Legislative Update

From Christine Quinn:

Yesterday, the Council and I were proud to announce that we had reached a major agreement with Mayor Bloomberg on the electronic waste legislation that we passed in February. Both the Council and the Mayor have agreed on the importance of an e-waste program, and on the majority of elements in the original legislation. However, the Mayor has opposed our inclusion of enforceable collections standards for electronic manufacturers.

Rather than allow that disagreement to delay implementation of this essential program, I am very pleased to report that we have recalled the original bill and reintroduced two new pieces of legislation. The first bill, Intro. 728, will cover all other elements of the e-waste plan, including requiring manufacturers to finance a take-back system that is convenient for all New Yorkers. The second bill, Intro. 729,will cover only the elements creating enforceable collections standards.

The Council and I plan to vote on both bills simultaneously at our next Stated Meeting on March 26th. This will allow Mayor Bloomberg to sign the first bill, Intro. 728,creating and quickly implementing a comprehensive e-waste collection program for New York City.

Fingers crossed.

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