Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Clinton Hill/Fort Greene Food Coop Comes to Town (Hopefully)

There's been a big groundswell of support to create a Clinton Hill/Fort Green Coop with 482 signatures thus far for the petition of support, and just over 300 people who've asked to join the mailing list since the effort began. The group responsible for launching the co-op is in talks with Sean Meenan of Cafe Habana to possibly use one of the spaces he owns on Fulton as a future home. Join them this Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church. We've got four committees now working on different aspects of the coop -- Business/Financing, Outreach/Membership, Location/Lease and Merchandising -- with a large group of committed, excited folks who want to make this green effort happen.

Best of luck in their endeavors!

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